Gravity Maze Game

Gravity Maze Game

Buildzi Game

Buildzi Game

Machi Koro Game

Availability: In stock
Welcome to the city of Machi Koro. You've just been elected Mayor. Congrats! Your job is to add new businesses to make your city even better! Every business in your city will give you coins based on what you or your opponents roll. Roll your dice, collect coins, and use those coins to improve your city. Every new business you add gives you more chances to gather coins. Your wheat field will give you a coin every time anyone rolls a 1 and your bakery will give you a coin any time you roll a 2 or 3. If you buy a convenience store, you'll get three coins if you roll a 4. Some businesses will even make other players pay you when you roll a number! Keep adding to your city until you are rich enough to buy a train station, shopping mall, amusement park and radio tower. Once you've done that, you've won Machi Koro and you've got the largest city in the region! Includes: 24 starting cards (8 starting establishments & 16 landmarks), 84 supply cards (72 establishments & 12 major establishments), 2 dice and 78 coins (42 1-coins, 24 5-coins and 12 10-coins). For 2-4 players, ages 10 and up.
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