Thousands Cube-Foam Base Ten Component

Thousands Cube-Foam Base Ten Component

Fractions, Decimals & Percents Flash Cards

Fractions, Decimals & Percents Flash Cards

Number Sense Flash Cards

Availability: In stock
Build confidence and fluency while interacting with numbers 0-10! Each number is presented in nine different formats including: words, numerals, dots, cubes, ten frame, rekenrek, fingers and more. The flash card set includes instructions and tips for the teacher or parent, along with suggested activities. Each card has a hole in the top corner, allowing cards to be grouped with a ring or string to help with organization and storage. Additionally, each card has one corner that is shaped differently than the others. By lining up the non-rounded corners, the flash cards can quickly be faced in the same direction. Includes 120 flash cards, for ages 4 and up.
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